Bouquet is a specialized application for selling flowers and preparing flower bouquets for all occasions. The application will also offer handicraft services and products. Bouquet allows you to design and create exquisite floral arrangements to suit any occasion, thanks to the wide range of fresh and beautiful flowers available. In addition to selling flowers, Bouquet also offers handcrafted products and services, adding a personal touch to your flower gifts. With an easy-to-use interface and convenient features like online ordering and delivery options, Bouquet makes it easy and convenient to express your feelings through the beauty of flowers.Bouquet is a specialized flower-selling application that caters to all your floral needs. Whether youre looking for a perfect bouquet to express your love or celebrate an anniversary, Bouquet has you covered. With a wide variety of fresh and beautiful flowers to choose from, Bouquet allows you to create stunning floral arrangements to suit any occasion. In addition to flower sales, Bouquet also offers handcrafted services and products, adding a personal touch to your floral gifts. With a user-friendly interface and convenient features like online ordering and delivery options, Bouquet makes it easy and convenient to express your emotions through the beauty of flowers.